Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Outdoor Fun

I just had to post this because I am the skinniest I have been in 6 years. Not that it will last!

Anthony did not grow up enjoying the mountains like I did. My family and I would camp and hike all summer long, and I have always wanted to do the same with my kids. But alas, we live in Iowa, a mountain less state. How depressing! We do have a few state parks that Iowans consider mountainous. Backbone park is one of them. It is more like a forested crack in the earths crust. You drive along a flat cornfield and all of a sudden you drive down a HILL ( not a mountain) and you find yourself in a rather beautiful place. There are cliffs you can rock climb and caves to explore, a lake to swim in, although it is quite mossy, and streams to fish and wade through. I guess that is as close to home as I will get here.

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