Tuesday, October 23, 2007

From the Mind of A 4 Year Old.....

As I was walking my Daughter out of mom school this morning, she asked me why our car didn't have travel hangers on it. I didn't know what she was trying to ask me. She pointed to our friend's car and said " like those ones on that car.....you know.....travel hangers".

She was pointing to the carrier rack on top of the van. If I were 4 would I even know what to call them. I am just amazed that she knew what they were for.

A little later on she was playing around with her pants ( in the crotch area). I asked her if she had to go to the bathroom. She said no. She then told me that she was having a " wedgie party", and that the beans in her body were having a "wedgie party" with her bum. All I could think of was " what the heck are beans doing in your pants?!" Haylie then said " you know mom, the beans that are in me.....one is happy and one is sad. They sometimes make me go to the hospital and sometimes they just have wedgie parties." Haylie has had some kidney problems and I had forgotten that I drew a picture of here kidneys and told her that they looked like kidney beans.

I am still curious as to how they can give her a wedgie, but Heaven forbid I should question the mind of a $ year old.


meghan said...

that is too funny!

Stacy said...

HAHAHAHA.. oh my gosh! I was laughing out loud... the kids said, "READ IT, READ IT MOM!" A wedgie party... how funny!

Elise said...

The ideas of a child are priceless!!

[RochelleG] said...

Ok, that is so hilarious. Sad though that she has had so many problems with her kidneys!

[RochelleG] said...

THANK YOU so much for the dinner. You are sooooo sweet I can't stand it! You are loved and appreciated. I owe ya. Good luck with Haley, perhaps I will be returning the dinner favor soon. Poor little girl and all her fevers.