Thursday, October 4, 2007


I am clueless, as many would agree. I am slowly but surely learning the ins and outs of this blogging thing. I have finally got a minute to sit and do this and hopefully give you some more insight into the lives of Anthony and Krista.

About Us:

What is his name?: Anthony Tuione Nai
How long have you been together?:10 years as of October.
How long did you date?: Two years
How old is he?:32 years old and still a hunk!
Who said I love you first?: He says that I did, he has a better memory than I do.
Who is taller?: Anthony
Who sings better?:Anthony
Who is smarter?: Anthony has a better memory so he retains info better, but I am brilliant!
Whose temper is worse?: I think that my temper is worse, but my patience lasts longer than his.
Who does the laundry?: Funny story...Anthony and I made a deal when we were first married that he would do the laundry and I would cook. For the first 3 years of our marriage, he stuck to the agreement, but as soon as we had a washer and dryer of our own, suddenly the laundry has become evermore increasingly MY job.
Who does the dishes?: One guess....who ever cooks.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?: Me, until I have created too big of a dent and then I make him switch sides.
Who pays the bills?: Well Anthony makes the money to pay them, and then I give the money all away.
Who mows the lawn?: Usually Anthony, sometimes me and someday our kids will. Yippe!
Who cooks dinner?: whoever does the dishes and the laundry=(
Who drives when you are together? Anthony likes to, but it is my van.
Who is more stubborn?: Anthony
Who is the first to admit they are wrong?: That is not me cuz I am never wrong!
Whose parents do you see the most?:Anthony's mom about 2 times a year, my parents about once a year.
Who kissed who first?: Does on the cheek count, if so then it was me who kissed Anthony first.
Who asked out who?: Anthony asked me out to the homecoming dance. He was so nervous, it was so cute!
Who proposed?: Anthony did, but I told him too.
Who is more sensitive?: I am....I'm a flippin ball of emotions!
Who has more friends?: Me....Anthony is anti-social ( no just kiddin, he is just a he is just picky......oh I don't know what it is.....maybe he is just shy)
Who has more sibling?: Anthony ( 6) , I have 3.
Who wears the pants?: So me! Although one day Anthony wore my jeans to work one day ( that was good news for him that he could fit in them. Really bad news for me. In my defense though, they were 2 sizes to big for me in the first place)

I tag Stacy and Niki

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I've done this one... you'll have to check out my blog!!! :)