Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Peeps & Poops
I am so excited! Tui went pee today for the first time in the potty. He was a bit confused as to what was going on down there but he was proud of himself non the less! So he got his potty treats and then said he had to go potty again. I almost dismissed it as a cry for more potty treats....but I don't want to discourage him, so we went again. This time it was poops. Actually, he has been going poop in the potty for about 4 months....just not consistently. He loves to sit on the maybe I will get through this.


Collette and Kevin said...

yay for tui!! congrats...isn't it so nice when they start doing it on their own? i love that we're no longer using diapers...well for a couple more weeks anyways!!!

the freestone6 said...

Oh thats great news! Good luck!

meghan said...

Good Luck...I cant wait for Kael to figure out the potty so he will stop taking his diaper off and leaving me surprises all over the house =)