Monday, April 26, 2010

I've missed you, dear Blog!
I Know it has been a long time since I have blogged. I find myself completely busy...doing nothing...and everything. I don't know if it is the fact that I am pregnant or that we are adjusting to Anthony's new job, but I just can't seem to get anything done. At least not the things I want to do.
So, here is a run down...there will be pictures at some point.
Anthony's new job...he loves it...we love having him home more. BUT... we have been without insurance for the past 3 months. My medication I am on for my blood clot disorder ( I will explain that one another time) cost about $12 with insurance...without $400. So we have been in a bit of a financial bind these last 3 months.
My sister, Karma, got married in March. I was so blessed to be able to go to the wedding with my kids. Anthony however was not able to go because he just started a new job. Therefore I ended up driving to Canada alone with 3 kids. Needless to say chaos followed, but in the end it was worth it to se my sister married in the temple and happy for once in her life!
The kids, including the 4th one, are well and happy. Sydney will be playing softball again this summer. Haylie didn't want to. Instead she wants to do gymnastics, so I am currently trying to decide how involved I want her to be, that will determine what program I put her in. Tui is just my happy, busy, cuddly boy as always. And baby#4 never stops moving...good sign, or bad?
Well, I will have to expand on some of these things later and add pictures.


Frisbies Forever said...

So glad everyone is basically healthy! Glad the job is working out. Insurance is an incredible thing. I have missed you!

Piepee said...

Hang in there. Things are tough but I believe they will get better. The biggest blessing is that all the children are happy. And the precious family time.