Monday, May 5, 2008

Batter Up!

I actually got my kids signed up on time this year for tee-ball and softball. Haylie has been so excited to play! Every spare minute I have she is asking to go outside and practice. So what happens the first night?......She cries hystarically and won't let go of my leg! I guess I have just volunteered to be an assistant coach! By the end of the night she finally got brave enough to let go of me and hit the ball. She will love it once she gets used to the routine......I hope!


Mike & Mandy said...

That is so awesome of you to get your kids involved like this! I cannot wait for Isaac to play sports or music so I can support him. She looks SO cute in her little tee-ball outfit!

Mom of 5 Gents said...

I'm not sure if you see it, but I think little Miss Haylie is beginning to come out of her shell. I noticed that in Primary on Sunday. I predict that one of these days your little cutie is going to surprise you and you're going to wish she would go back to being shy. :)