Monday, February 2, 2009

It's about Time!

How many times do we say to a friend.... hey, we SHOULD go this, or that. Always thinking that something would be a good idea, but never getting around to doing it. I kick myself because there are things I could have seen and places I could have gone when I lived closer to them. For example, living in Pennsylvania, we only lived a short 2 or 3 hour drive from Gettysburg and other historical places. Hershey, PA...hello....chocolate central, and I never went. And now we live at least a good 15 hour drive from those places. Why didn't I go? Was I really too busy? Or was it just not that important to me?

These are the same questions I have been asking myself about where I live now. Only a 3 hour drive away is a place so beautiful, so calming and peaceful, that I feel right at home there. And yet it has been 5 years since I have experienced the wonderful feelings of that place. If I feel so at home there, why then wouldn't I go back more? Too busy? Not a priority? Shame on me!!!

Thanks to some wonderful friends who did not say " we SHOULD go", but instead said " I am going. Come with me!", I was able to again feel that warmth and the desire I have to visit this wonderful place, Nauvoo.

This is the Nauvoo Temple. It is a sacred place where we can feel close to our Father in Heaven and feel of His love for us. It was such a beautiful day! The sun warmed my face as the peace in the Temple, away from the things of this world, warmed my heart. Thank you to my good friends who shared this day with me!


meghan said...

Sounds like you guys had fun! I need to be better about getting down there. ARGG! oh well maybe i will get there again by summer =)

Hartson family said...

I'm so glad you were prompted by great friends. I have had similar experiences and am so grateful when my buddies say, let's go.

Frisbies Forever said...

Oh,that looks wonderful! I am proud of you guys! Way to use good peer pressure!!!