Sydney Nai, 8 years old, was having a birthday party when all of a sudden the phone rang. To her surprise it was " Martha... ( who was really Stacy)the curator at the museum. She knows that Sydney loves to solve mysteries and boy did she have a big mystery on her hands. She was working late when she noticed the mummies were not in their cases. So, Martha ( Stacy) called Sydney to ask if her and her friends could help track down the mummies. Some were hesitant ( chickens =) but they were all eager to solve the case.
First they had to follow the " Glowing" foot prints....a concoction I made that reacts to black lights. Then they had to follow numerous clues and decipher codes to find the final clue. We were led to a warehouse where there was a trail of " Mummy Dust" ( flour) leading to some tall boxes. A secret spell awakened the mummies and they popped out of their box.
Then it was home for cake and ice cream. Yummy! I am so glad all the kids had so much fun on their Mystery adventure. We will have to do it again soon ( after the snow is gone for good! It was freezing!)
Too awesome! Krista- you've gotta be the coolest mom ever.
k, so good to catch up on your posts! miss you girl.
I still can't believe that Sydney didn't recognize my voice! HAHAHAHA! I just LOVE this pictures! Too stinkin' funny! :O)
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