Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 2; New Territory.
Well, we got a late start on Tuesday ( Aug 5) due to a late night. Once on the road things began to change. The somewhat flat land that you see as you drive through the middle states starts to become rolling hills covered in green.I say hills because that is what they are to someone who grew up at the base of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. It is a very beautiful drive! At one point as we crossed into Mass. , my husband ( who does not enjoy traveling) looks at me and says in an almost giddy voice " I have never been in this state before". As we drove we looked forward to crossing into the next state. It actually goes by really fast. Some of those states aren't very big.

The scenery was not the only thing that changed during the day. Our little angel boy was changing too. He was fed up with everything by the end of the day. He was throwing everything I gave to him.
It was a 14 hour drive to Bangor Maine where we had planned to stop. By the time we got into Bangor it was 2:30am and the only hotel we could find open was do I put it kindly? A DUMP! It smell of smoke, the sheets felt waxy ( Don't ask), we had tui in bed with us ( which was only a double bed) so we were squished and so tired! As we climbed into the waxy bed and told the kids to be quiet because people were sleeping, Anthony whispers in my ear...." I wonder what breakfast will be like if the rooms are like this?" I don't know if it was because of all the mountain dew I drank or because I was so exhausted, but I just started cracking up! Then Anthony started followed by the kids. We all laughed for a good 10 min and then crashed. I wound up sleeping on the floor because my boys took up the whole bed. Oh well, one more day before we get to Nova Scotia!

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