Day 10; Country Roads
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Day 10; Farewell to Nova Scotia
Day 9; Peggy's Cove
32 years ago my dad proposed to my mom here at Peggy's Cove. It is a beautiful and calm area considering the amount of tourists that swarm the gigantic smooth rocks that the lighthouse sits on. It is actually a very dangerous spot. There is a sign that warns people to stay away from the rocks at the waters edge. Tourists have actually died there. They get down low where they take pictures of the water crashing on the rocks and those crashing waves are strong!!! Do people heed this warning? No. I saw people climbing down the slippery rocks and taking their kids with them. People are not very smart! We stayed up where it was dry and safe and got some pretty good family pictures. It was a cloudy day, so the pictures are not as clear as I would like, but it is the memory that counts, right. After the photo op, we took a short drive down the coast to a memorial sight for Swiss air flight 111. It crashed off the coast of Nova Scotia just past Peggy's Cove. There were no survivors. It is a really sad story. Too long for me to type, but I will tell it to you if anyone would like.

Day 7; All Good Things Must End.
Day 6;Fun in the Sun!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Day 5; Lunnenberg
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Day 4; Sand and Salt
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Day 3; Hello N.S.
View from the look-out point across from the cottage.