Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Daddy's Day.

"I'm so glad when daddy comes home, glad as I can be.....". These words start a familiar song that we would sing to my dad every Father's Day. I remember making ties and other gifts for my dad, but it was not this day that meant ( at least to me) we loved daddy. It was all the wonderful times that we spent with him. My Father taught me so much and did so much for us that I never knew. Things a child doesn't think of. The sacrifices a father makes for his family are only being realized now as I am seeing those things in my own life. Some of the things I remember most of my father is that he loves on it, literally non-stop. He loves to play basketball! His right hand was MANGLED in an accident and has lost part of the function of it. Regardless of how it looks, he has the best shot out there, whether it is a 3 pointer or his favorite hook shot. And he is still doing it in his 60's. Go Daddy! He was always spontaneous, he loves to laugh and loves his family. He is a soft spoken man, but a man with a strong testimony. I am so grateful to him for his example to me! Love you daddy!

Daddy always let us torture him. He made cleaning fun!

Taking care of a wasps nest in the play house. Dad could never call a professional!
Me and daddy. Love you!!!!


Collette and Kevin said...

i think my mom used to have that exact same apron!! love the memories and the pics of your dad!

Anonymous said...

What sweet sentiments!

meghan said...

is that you in the window in the second picture.. holy cow sidney look alike.