May 25th sparked a series of weather related events that are changing peoples lives. First came the tornadoes. One of which was an F5 that destroyed numerous towns and killed 7 people in the town of Parkersburg, IA. For those of you who do not know the area, we are not very far from that at all. How this tornado missed us, I don't know.
As if that was not enough to create a desperate situation, now mother nature adds more devastation to our lives. We are now faced with evacuating our homes because of rising river levels and major flooding of our cities. The relentless thunderstorms north of us as well as the storms in our own area have made us realize some things.
One. We are never exempt from a disaster. No matter how safe we think we are, it can all change in an instant. Two. How prepared are we for an emergency. I thought that our 72 hour kits were up to par. Ha-Ha. Silly me! It takes the treat of loosing everything to open my eyes and realize how little we are prepared.
So now I will stop typing and start hauling things up stairs as I prepare to have a flooded basement. And in the case we are evacuated, I will be re thinking our 72 hour kits. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have already lost so much!
A bridge I cross everyday. 15 feet tall....completely flooded to the top!
Stay safe and hope you stay dry. We're also surrounded by water, being about two blocks from the evacuation area.
We'll keep you in our prayers. We know what crazy weather can be like too. Good luck!
Did you ever get water in your basement? Thankfully we did not! I was worried that if the Fletcher flood gates gave, we would have been in trouble! I hope all is well with your family!
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