Look at Your Own Risk!
I have wonderful Friends, but sometimes their ideas are not so wonderful. One of my friends likes to challenge us to go out side of our comfort zones and blog about things that are personal, emotional, or just plain embarrassing! This is one of those blogs.
I am one of those women who love being pregnant. I have more energy, I am very rarely sick and I actually loose weight. I always feel beautiful being that big. Looking back at some of these pictures I realize 2 things. Number one, I was not that big with my first baby ( although I thought I was huge) and number two, why didn't I ever look in the mirror. I was not as beautiful as I felt....not even close!
So here are some before and after pics of my three wonderful pregnancies. ( I do not have a before pic of my second pregnancy....maybe I actually looked in the mirror and decided not to take one!)

After Tuione
I sincerely apologize if these images cause you to have nightmares tonight!
What your are cute. I am going to go back and add a pre-Kael picture so that everyone can enjoy the shock and awe value of my pregnancy.
OK, no fair! You don't even have strech marks! Seriously, these pictures are beautiful!
oh... I only wish I am that cute when I am pregnant!!
Such beautiful children resulted from those pregnancies! Great job!
Okay... cute pictures and um... I hardly see stretch marks on that belly!
LADIES... if you are reading this... when I find my post Oliver picture, you will shriek and possibly vomit at the sight of my sausage fingers and swollen head! NO LIE! For some reason I look like the marshmallow man!
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