Monday, January 28, 2008
" Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them"
--Matt. 7:20

I have always loved this scripture. It is always a guide for me....a way to determine if someone is a good and moral person or if they are someone I should avoid. It worked for me in high school and college. I saw people who were having fun and making friends and I wanted to be like that, but as I looked closer I realized that their "fruits" were not good. The things they were doing were not bringing about good things but rather hindering themselves and others around them.

As I look at our beloved Prophet, I can find nothing that would make me doubt the fruits of his labors. He has accomplished so much in his life. He has served so many, within the church and without. He has shown great love for all of us. I can feel it when he talks. So many great things have come to pass in his time as our Prophet. All the temples which have been built and the " Proclamation" , a wonderful definition of our beliefs and standards concerning the Family according to the teachings of Christ. What a wonderful instrument he has been!

I pray that I may be a fraction of what he has been. I love this gospel. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love the Prophets, past and present. I love them for their undying faith and sacrifice in serving us. We will miss our dear president Hinckley,but rejoice in his joy as he is reunited with his dear wife. May we love and serve and follow our next prophet as we have Gordon B. Hinckley.

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