Friday, July 1, 2011

School 2010-2011
This was a very busy and very rewarding year!

Sydney and Haylie started a new year at a new school. I transferred them to a school that was not on the SINA list ( school in need of assistance). I just felt that my children needed more than what they were able to get at their regular school. Not that I blame teachers...they have their hands tied in these situations. My kids were having to relearn things they had previously learned because the rest of their class was not able to keep up ( yes I am bragging..hehe). Both Sydney and Haylie are above their grade level for reading( Sydney is actually above her grade level for all her classes...way above! Some days I don't know what to do with her!), and their school was just not able to offer them the extra work to keep them interested in learning.

At their new school, they were both put into the ELP class( extended learning program) where they were able to progress and learn new concepts and do some fun things that made learning fun for them ( instead of being bored in class). Their teachers were wonderful and they were able to make new friends. It turned out to be a great year!( Haylie even came off the bus in tears because she was going to miss her teacher. They love school!)

Tui started pre-k this year. I was really torn about putting him in or not since his birthday is on the cut off date for registration. He was the youngest child in his class. I was worried about him being able to adjust later to being the in high school, when all of his buddies would be dating and driving and he wouldn't be. I have heard that emotionally, boys that are younger in school have a hard time.

I thought that the first day of school would be a day full of tears and hugging my leg...begging me not to leave him there. Boy was I wrong. Tui couldn't wait to get in his class room. Anthony walked him to school with his little backpack and that was it. He only cried one time the entire year. That is until the last day at the pre-k graduation party. He had a little run in with another kid and got bumped on the head. Well, you would think the world was ending. It ruined the entire day!

Regardless, he had a wonderful year also. He got to go on field trips ( on a bus..yay!), had many class pets and wonderful teaches to start off his school experience. He is going to be as smart as the girls. They gave him his kindergarten test to see how ready he is for kindergarten...40/40...the kindergarten teaches were quite surprised. The only thing he is behind in is his fine motor skills ( writing)'s no wonder though considering I never gave him pencils or makers or scissors for fear of what he would destroy!

Before and after pics.

1 comment:

Frisbies Forever said...

How on earth did they get that big??? I used to have a daycare too. I am so glad to have had it, but I am really loving not having it anymore. Sometimes I miss the kids because they aren't near me now, but the time with my family is amazing!