Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mothers all around the world
can give a big " Amen" to my next statement/ complaint.
Why is it we..the main caregiver can be healthy when it doesn't really matter, but as soon as a special event comes up....WHAM ...we get sick. I am around sick kids all the time. Kids who attend school bring home who knows how many germs. I am constantly surrounded by the little bugs ( the germs, I mean...not the kids). I am not a germaphobe. I am a firm believer that you have to be exposed to germs in order for your body to be able to recognize them and fight them off. But seriously...why now do I get sick. It is Sydney's 8th birthday....a pretty special one for her. We have big plans...birthday party ( which I will blog about later) and a baptism. In our church, children get baptized at 8 years old. It is a pretty big milestone. I guess it won't matter if I am sick that day....I would have been using a bunch of tissues anyhow. I am a bawl baby when it comes to my kids growing up. So go away cold....I have plans!


meghan said...

sorry your not feeling well. let me know if i can help with anything.

Stacy said...

I can give you an "amen"... and a "hallelujah"... ;o) I feel your "stuffy" pain!

When is Sydney's baptism going to be?

Also... FRIDAY... um... at around 5:30 is when I'm heading to Meg H.'s house. Sooooo... after the party... come on over. I think we are going to order some pizza and scrap and whatnot!

Give me a call! :o)

I really hope you are feeling better... I'll include you in my prayers alongside Jaren and my recoveries as well!