Saturday, February 2, 2008

Valentine Woes
I dread this time of year. Not because I do not have someone to celebrate the holiday with or love. I dread this time of year because I never know what to do for my special someone.
It is easy for my husband to pick Valentines day to clean the house for me or cook me dinner or babysit the kids so I can have a moments peace. But I can not do those things for him because.........I do them every day!
I am also not the type of person who likes the simple and ordinary Valentine ideas ( cards, chocolates, teddy bears,etc.) I like to do things like planning a romantic dinner ontop of a hill somewhere, with music playing and sparkling sider. Or even a fun night doing something out of the ordinary like going to a play.
Here is the problem. I can come up with fun ideas all night that I might like, but My husband would not. So I am asking if any of you friends out there have any good ideas of what to do for husbands on Valentines Day.
p.s. Fell free to have your fun husbands give ideas to mine for Valentines. Much Thanks!


meghan said...

Sorry I am having the same problem.. WE are definetely doing something this year.. But what I have no idea.. Sorry

Mike & Mandy said...

I always take Mike on a man-day. Basically, he and I go out and have an afternoon of nothing but things HE likes to do. Usually, we see some sort of action movie, play at the arcade, rent UFC DVD's etc. He has told me he really appreciates his "favorite things" day. Also, last year we found a sitter for Isaac and lounged around the house ALL DAY! We napped, we ate, we did whatever we wanted in the total peace and quiet with no Isaac. It was nice to really focus on each other. Good luck!

Andrea said...

Hey Krista! I finally joined the blogging world - you should check it out! Anyways... good luck - I too am stewing over an idea for John. Hope things are going good!!