Visit From The Canadian Grandparents.
We were very lucky to have my mom and dad come visit us from Canada. They got here just in time for the 4th of July. We invited some friends over to meet them and had a BBQ followed by a trip to the Unidome to watch the fireworks. We sat in a big open field right up close to where the fireworks were set off. It was awesome!
I have to share an amazing experience with you.( those with weak stomachs be warned)
My Dad had an accident when he was a young man. His arm was cut off in a farming accident....well almost cut off. He had about an inch of skin holding on his forearm to the rest of his arm ( just below the elbow). Back then, without the technology we have today, the most common solution was amputation...I mean, his arm was already hanging by a thread...literally. But a miracle happened! Prayers were said and blessings were given and many surgeries later, my dad has an arm. The doctors were able to reattach everything except for the tendon of his pinky finger. Now his arm has a large concave scar on the inside of his wrist all the way up to almost his elbow and his pinky finger is always bent. He can't straighten it...but he can still make those 3 point shots ( my dad loves basketball, but because of the way my dad looks, some people think he can't play...boy does he have them fooled!).
Anyhow, most people avoid that hand or are unsure about what to do when my dad shakes their hand. At the BBQ my dad made a new friend...an innocent child who saw past the scars and saw my dad for the awesome grandpa he is. My good friend's daughter, Kate, instantly bonded and was always near my dad. As we were walking up the hill to watch the fireworks, Kate ran up to my dad, took a hold of his scared hand and held it tight as the walked together to the field. It brought tears to my eyes to see the innocent love of a child and the kindness that my dad deserves!
The next part of our visit with mom and dad takes us to Nauvoo. When I was a child, we had travelled through Nauvoo many times, but there was always something missing...the Temple was not there. My parents are huge church history people and always taught us about the pioneers and all that they went through. I have a deep appreciation for the pioneers because of what my parents taught me. This trip was special for my mom and dad because it is the first time they have been to Nauvoo since the Temple was restored. How wonderful it was for them to be able to go inside and feel the spirit there. It is so calm and beautiful! After going through the Temple, we enjoyed the sights of Nauvoo and all the history there. We happened to be there during the Nauvoo pagent and were able to participate in extra activities. The kids got to play all sorts of pioneer games. Even Anthony played stick pull. Stick pull is a game 2 people play...you sit on the ground facing each other and put your feet together while holing a stick in between you. Then you pull. The winner is the one who can pull the other person up off his butt. One man there thought he could beat Anthony...silly man! Once this man was beat he grabbed the actor who plays Brigham Young in the Pagent....Brigham has never been beat...not until that fateful day. It was a bit harder this time, but Anthony was able to pull Brigham Young up not once, but twice. My big strong man!
Mom and dad continued their journey from Nauvoo, so we said our goodbye's there...the girls had such a hard time saying good bye to them, so did I! We loved having them visit and can't wait till they can come back again!
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