Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009

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Erie Trip
The last day of school was also the first day of our vacation. We picked up the girls from school and took off for Pennsylvania. It is always nice to go visit Grandma, but we had an extra surprise visitor to see. Anthony's brother, Lawrance got engaged and brought his Fiancee out to meet us. Coral was super nice, my kids loved her! We had so much fun going to the beach and down to Pittsburgh to visit James and Amy and their kids. The girls really bonded with their cousins on this trip. One of our favorite memories was trying to catch gigantic tadpoles in the pond by grandma's house. Not only were there huge tadpoles, but also a couple of water snakes that would swim by every once in a while. To top off the trip we went to Waldamere (sp?) park and went on all the water slides and roller coasters we could. What a fun trip!
P.S...to view the slide show above, hit View all....for some reason I couldn't get the slide show to show up on my blog....if anyone know s what I did wrong, let me know!