My favorite color is green, so it is no surprise that I also love St. Patrick's day. First thing this morning I told the kids to get dressed....oh and be sure to wear something green so the leprechauns won't pinch you. The looks on the girls faces were priceless! They asked all kinds of questions about leprechauns and why we can't see them and why they pinch us if we aren't wearing green. Oh the wonderful little lies I come up with.
After satisfying their curiosity, they went off to get dressed. Not 2 minutes passed when Haylie's unmistakable whinny voice cried out that she couldn't find anything with green in it. I told her to keep looking...she had to have something. I went in to help her look and the poor thing was almost in tears....she really was worried that she would be followed by little mean leprechauns all day. So, after searching and not finding a single piece of green clothing, I told her that I had the perfect thing. We sat down at the table and made a " Lucky" GREEN bracelet. She beaded it all by herself ( sorry no picture ). Then all was well....she felt safe again. Sydney made one too.
After we were all safe from the pinching leprechauns, we had a breakfast of green oatmeal with green sprinkles on it. Looked nasty!
Dinner was a whole lot better than breakfast! We went over to a friends house for dinner to share our GREEN meal. I made green fettuccine Alfredo and green garlic toast with a side of broccoli and peas and a yummy green marshmallow salad. Jeremy...the master grilling machine made our chicken for us....not green...I don't think any of us would have been able to stomach that! Then to wash it all down, green Kool aid.
I love Green!
So fun!
You're such a great mom - we didn't do anything fun involving green!
Sorry I missed the meal. But I came after the fact and just got to eat it - my favorite part. You are so creative.
Hmmmmmm... THIS looks familiar! ;o)
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