Saturday, March 28, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009
I posted this note on facebook, but also wanted to post it to my blog. I find that as time goes on, I have less and less patience for the idiotic and demeaning intentions of people who think they have power over us. I would love to show these power hungry idiots what kind of power we have...unfortunately I can not do it alone. But I hope that by letting my voice be heard, others will follow suit and have their voice be heard as well.
I have been pondering lately on how many of my friends on facebook and around the world would be willing to help me with a little experiment.As most of us saw this past summer, gas prices rose to over $5.00 in some states and provinces. As a result we became more conscious of how much gas we were using. Many people stopped driving cars and only rode public transportation or a bike. Some helped efforts by car pooling. The oil companies obviously saw a decline in gas purchases. Prices dropped. Cause and effect. Supply and demand.
The same concept can be applied to anything...we see it in theaters. If you hear a bad review of a movie, less people go to see it and the movie does poorly at the box office. Less copies of the movie are made and in the long run the makers of the movie learn what people really want. So what does that say about our society? Which movies do the best in theater? Which books are best sellers? Unfortunately some of the best producing movies are ones that have very degrading and immoral content. How sad that a country full of moms and dads, grandparents, hard working level headed individuals, and even the future of this nation....our young teenagers, give into watching disgusting material that does absolutely nothing to improve their lives.
Which brings me to my request. I am sending this to all of my friends on facebook because I know you. I have known many of you for years. I know that you are good people with good hearts. I hope that you can see my intent is not to anger anyone, but that you can see the disappointment and the frustration I feel because of a television program. HBO has always pushed the limits when it comes to producing material for their station. Much of it is disturbing and inappropriate...not just for teens...but for everyone. The show " Big Love" is inaccurate to say the least and now they have crossed a line. I don't know how many of you are religious, or how many of you are not. I want you to think of something that you hold dear...that is special to you and that you do not want people taking advantage of or breaking. Kind of like when you were a kid and had a favorite toy that you didn't want ruined....or what about for women. Giving birth is a special time that should be cherished amongst family and friends. How would you like that special moment, or that special place invaded by complete strangers who were there for the sole purpose of destroying that moment for you. They want to mock you and hurt you and without your friends and family they would succeed.
I am not asking you to agree with my religious beliefs or to listen to me preach to you. If you want to know the truth about my religious views you can go to our church website. (, all I am asking is that you help me to lower the ratings of this show by boycotting it. Don't watch hard can that be. There has got to be something better on or a good book you've been meaning to read. How bad could it be to experiment with me on this one thing. if you want to do this, please pass this note onto your friends and lets see how good people around the world can affect a nation for GOOD. Again, you know me....I have never pushed my beliefs on anyone in my whole life. But this hurts me. Please, my friends, stand by me as good friends do.Thank you all!----Krista Bullock Nai
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Light Keepers.
Every year in march we celebrate the organization of the Relief Society. It is a group of women in our Church who have dedicated their time, their energy, their talents and their love to strengthening other women . We serve each other in different capacities and we serve the community and our families. We share a love of our Father in heaven and a love of our Savior, who is the light of the world. Jesus Christ has given us a little piece of himself....a light. It is our divine privilege and responsibility to " Let our lights so shine..." so that others may see it and have a desire to follow that light.
This year we had a wonderful evening full of inspirational music written by Jenny Phillips. One of her songs was preformed by the newly formed women's choir. It was called " Hold your Torches High" They did a marvelous job. It was so beautiful. Thank you all for participating!
We also had some uplifting Quotes and narration read to us to help us see that no matter what circumstances we are in, we can still shine our lights and be an example of Christ. Thank you to all who helped out with that.
My favorite part of the evening was the flashlight demonstration at the end of the program. Each sister was handed a flashlight and then the lights in the gym were all turned off. As another beautiful song was being played we each turned our lights on one at at time and focused our lights on a picture of the Savior. I explained that one little light may be enough for me to see my way on a bumpy and treacherous path. But someone in the distance would not be able to find their way to me in the dark, with just my one little light. Together as we shine our lights the way becomes more clear and many more will see our lights shining and want to know that light and feel it's warmth for themselves. We need to be like a lighthouse in the night....shining for all to see. And you know what....It doesn't take much to do that. Every time you talk to someone, with a smile on your face or a kind remark. Every time we have the opportunity to give aid to someone in need, even holding a door open. I am amazed at how my whole day can be brightened when I lend a helping hand and I get a smile in return. That feeling that two strangers share, for that brief moment, is what a Christ like love feels like. As we try to live our lives the way the Savior lived His, we will literally glow with His light.
The last part of the evening was the dinner. We had 3 different kinds of soup. Zuppa ( the Olive Garden soup), creamy chicken and rice soup, and a chicken noodle soup, all of which were delicious. (I will be posting my zuppa recipe soon.) we also had salad and bread sticks. The Desert was an amazing cake made by my amazingly talented friend, Charity. She made an enormous cake in the shape of a lighthouse. How cool is that!
I am so grateful to be the Relief Society Enrichment leader. It has given me so many opportunities to grow and to get to know my fellow sisters. I am also very grateful for the sisters who serve with me. They are such a strength and joy to work with. Thank you again for all who helped and especially to all who are the ones who made the night so special.