Monday, November 10, 2008

Be Informed!!!!
I will not get into the recent political drama we are all so sick of, but I would like to express my deepest desire for all of us to be more informed. I wish that we could all look a little deeper into the future when we vote on issues ( that is on issues, not people and their personalities!). Democrat or Republican, we all need to see the impact our choices create for our future.
As a result of the recent elections, we now have a government almost completely run by the Democratic party. This means that all laws and amendments will be voted on by people in congress and the house of representatives who have a more liberal view of our freedoms. Certain rights and laws will be overturned to please the " worldly"and immoral view that most of this country has. Congress has set their sights on abortion laws. They are determined to allow abortion rights regardless of age or procedure. If any of you do not know what those procedures are ( especially partial birth abortions) I would gladly fill you in. I encourage all decent people reading this to pass on this link. It is an official web site that gives facts about the laws and what they really mean. So read it, and determine for yourself which laws you agree with and which ones you do not.
As for our futures, I am not a mind reader. I do not know for a fact that we will all be doomed because of the next presidents future decisions. But take a look at what is going on in California. Things are changing. I have always believed that, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we will come full circle. When our church was first organized, we were outcasts and persecuted for what....for being good and decent people and for having a religion that does not differ in a big way from other religions . Now we are seeing that again. Or at least the beginnings. In California, Mormons are being targeted for a law that was passed in part by many people not of our faith. But we are the ones to blame.
As we look into the future, I want to know what I am voting for and I pray that I may have the courage to stand up and vote when it is not the " Popular" vote. We will be persecuted for standing up for what is right. And I would rather do that than " go with the flow"!!! I don't want to be like the masses of lemmings who allow change to happen without knowing the consequences of those choices. Let's not be lemmings!

1 comment:

Piepee said...

I agree 100%. It's to easy to follow along without gathering your own information.