Monday, October 6, 2008

Am I a bad Mommy?
I remember growing and my younger sisters and one brother. Oh how we used to dress him up and do his hair. He was young enough that he didn't know any different. Well, I am again, dressing a little boy up as a girl. I can't help it!!!! Tui is so darn cute and his hair is irresistible! He looks so much like Sydney at that age! He could seriously pass as a girl if I dressed him in Pink. Here are some pics for you to see what I mean.

You can probably guess who is Sydney and who is Tui and the pictures don't do them justice....but had they been born at the same time they could pass as twins. My poor Tui is going to want to burn these pics when he gets older....but I love them!


Mandy said...

You are right! They do look alike! Very cute!

_ said...

Ya doug says you are a bad mom, lol