Tid Bits I've learned.
Many of you may know that 2 and a half years ago I almost died of a pulmonary embolism. I had 3 large blood clots that got stuck in my right lung and caused my lung vessels to burst and my lung to fill with blood. For a 29 year it is a rare thing to happen. I have a greater chance of forming blood clots due to a genetic disorder called " Factor V Leiden" .As a result of that situation, I was put on blood thinners. I was also pregnant at the time and therefore needed a special blood thinner that does not harm the baby. I was lucky.....blessed.....incredibly blessed. First of all because I did not die in my sleep ( this is usually what happens with PE's), secondly, because I did not have a miscarriage( which also usually happens with blood clots).
Well 2 and a half years have passed. I have been off blood thinners for almost 2 years. Now I find myself wondering if that is a good thing. I was given the choice of staying on the blood thinner for the rest of my life or waiting for the next blood clot to hit, at which point I would not have an option. I was in bed Sunday night when all of a sudden I took a deep breath and POW! I had a sharp pain in my right lung and I could feel my lung tightening up. I decided to play it safe and go to the E.R. For those of you who think I am a calm and collected person, you should have seen me that night.
After taking some blood tests and monitoring my oxygen levels, the very patient doctor sent me home. We had ruled out a blood clot. Thank goodness! What we did find out is that my right lung has a diminished capacity as a result from the PE. The bottom of my lung won't inflate. So when I am stressed of breathing hard or have pulled a muscle, that lung will feel the hurt more than the left. 
I am not meaning to write all this to show you what a freak of nature I am, but rather to let everyone know that this disorder is a lot more common that you think. There are simple blood tests you can take to determine if you have this disorder. Even if you don't have Factor V Leiden, you ( especially women who are pregnant or over 50) can get a blood clot that can move to your heart, lungs, or brain. Sitting too long ( ie; traveling), being over weight, injuries, and even child birth or surgery can all increase your chances of getting a blood clot. I found a web site that gives you more information and support if anyone has questions. www.fvleiden.org
I have seen the effects of blood clots first hand. I hope that no one else will have to go through what I did. The more you know......
So did this make you decide to go back on the blood thinners? tx for the info.
Not yet. I talked to the doc and we decided that a baby asprin would do for now.
Your positive attitude in the face of such scary things (both yours and your daughter's) are only one of many reasons I look up to you. Thanks for the info!
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