Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Music Moves Me..........
I love to hear a song that makes me close my eyes and imagine a time, or a place, or even people I love. Voices like Josh Groban, or Maxwell, or Allyson Crouse ( sp?). Soft, vibrant, clear voices that take me to another place.
My husband has one of those voices. There a few people who have had the privilege of hearing him sing ( and yes I am bragging!). I wish he would sing more!
I always hoped that our children would inherit his vocal talents ( and my good looks). Well I think we got one out of two.
Sydney was in the living room the other day. No t.v. or radio on. Just singing to herself. She was trying to sing a song that she was semi-familiar with. It started out ok. and she has a nice voice ( when she is not singing through her nose). I was enjoying listening......until her singing moved me to tears! I was laughing so hard ( in my room and into my pillow so she could not hear me), that I had tears streaming down my face. It was like Hannah Montana/ Gospel choir all at once. I wish that I could have caught it on tape.
When I finally composed myself and went out to the living room, I asked her what she was doing. She said " I am singing a song that I forgot the words to, but that is o.k. I made up the rest and I can do that because I am such a good singer."
I nodded my head, gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and then went right back to my pillow. It is a good thing she is cute, cuz I don't thinkshe will have a career in music. Who knows, maybe we could have the next American Idol on our hands=)


Jolley's said...

Oh my gosh, sooo funny! I remember a time during mom's school where she was singing Baby Beluga to everyone and nobody could say a word. She said only she could sing because she was the best. Of course all I could do was agree. So cute and sooo funny!

Stacy said...

Oh my gosh! I am laughing so hard I'm crying!!! I can just see you in your room just dying laughing!!!!