Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I am Woman...Hear Me Roar!
As a young girl you might have looked at me as a tom boy. I was always playing sports and trying to keep up with them. I was never the prissy type. Well as a teenager I still was always wanting to do what the boys were able to do. Scouts always did way more adventurous stuff then us girls and I was always asking our high school coach if I could play football. Alas, my ambitions were never taken seriously.
Today I proved that I, a WOMAN, can do anything a man can do ( and better I might add). I noticed a van stuck coming out of an icy alley way today. It was a middle aged woman driving with her 8 year old daughter in the back. I went over to see if I might be able to help. The wheels were stuck in really deep icy holes which were only made worse every time she decided to lay on the gas. I told her to not press the gas until I got the van rocking and then she could press the gas slowly. It took a few tries, but I was able to push that van out of the alley. Me....alone....with my woman muscles. Amazed? I am since it took a MAN and myself to push my van out of the same situation only 2 days before.
Just had to brag ;)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I have a feeling our house is going to become sleepover central!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Most years I feel a bit out of Christmas spirit due to not having my family around. I usually try to keep busy making someone's Christmas cheery. Well as our little family began this Christmas season, Sydney asked me a simple but profound question. " What is the Christmas spirit and how do we know when we are feeling it?"
I tried to give her examples and explain that it is not just the feeling we have at Christmas time, but rather the feeling we should have all year when we give service to others. She seemed content with the answer.
Today as we were at Walmart picking up some last minute groceries for Christmas dinner, we saw the salvation army " Bell Ringer" at the door. He was an older gentleman. He had a less than perfect winter coat on and a pair of gloves and a stocking hat....you know, the stretchy kind. Keep in mind, it was only a positive 2 degrees out.....very cold and windy. Sydney and Haylie looked at the man and then looked at me. We all had the same thought . Haylie said that the poor old man didn't look very warm. With that we went straight to the glove and hat section where we picked out a warm scarf to give him. It was not much, but it would at least cover his face when that frigged air blows at him.
As we left the store, we put a few coins into his collection basket and then pulled out the scarf and presented it to him. He looked confused for a moment. Then I told him that the girls wanted to get it for him to help block the wind. He thanked us and wished us the warmest Merry Christmas we have ever heard. Waking back to the car was not as cold as when we came in and Sydney turned to me and said, " mommy....I feel it. I feel the Christmas spirit. I felt it when we first saw the man. I knew I wanted to help him." I told her that we need to feel that all year round....That desire to help others. And then in return we feel the Saviors love.
What a wonderful Christmas lesson we have learned this year.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Snow Fun
Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
No Way , No How!
I am very pleased to hear that there are a bunch of people and organizations that are backing up the Mormons and the others who fought to defend traditional Family values in California. There was an article in the New York Times that spoke out against the threatening nature and actions of those in California who are targeting Mormons. I am grateful to those who are not of our faith, who are still willing to stand with us of similar beliefs, to preserve the Family and to stand against those who would morally corrupt this nation.
I took this link off another friends web site. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-12-07-iowagaymarriage_N.htm . I think that it is a warning that we are not out of the woods. We, here in Iowa, will need to fight just as those in California did. Heck....if they can do it in a state that is so filled with " worldly" ideals, then why can't we, here in the quiet Midwest, put up the same fight. I have never had to write letters to legislators or to our state representatives, but I have a feeling I am going to have to start doing it. Petitions people.....we, as " the people" can not vote on issues until they have been voted on by legislature, but that doesn't mean we can not take a stand now. Change legislatures mind before they have a chance to think twice about it. If they know they are going to face opposition from the voters, then they will be less likely to even discuss changing laws and amendments. Am I wrong?
Has anyone done this before? Written letters to government officials? Started petitions? Anyone know where to start?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Jolley Good Time!
I just wanted to say thank you to my Jolley family. We do not always have the opportunity to be with family over the holidays, but...we are always welcomed with open arms by the Jolley family. When I find myself sad and missing my family, I instantly have brothers and sisters and wonderful adoptive parents who are so kind and loving.
We had a wonderful dinner of all the Thanksgiving best. Turkey and ham and all the sides you could think of. Oh and the deserts were to die for! Once again I have stuffed myself to the point of bursting buttons. The kids were wonderful ( hardly any fights) and the weather was gorgeous! What a wonderful thanksgiving...so thanks to my Jolley family!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
- My parents, who love me no matter what
- My siblings, who taught me patience and love me no matter what.
- My ancestors who believed....and lived the Gospel.
- My husband....for having the love and patience to put up with me!
- My daughter Sydney....she is so tender and thoughtful!
- My daughter Haylie....who makes me laugh and cry all in the same day.
- My son....I almost didn't have him. He is my miracle boy!
- Friends who are my family when I am so far away from my own!
- Rekindled friendships.
- The first dentist I worked for....he taught me so much!
- My years in Utah....I will cherish all those memories!
- All the places I have travelled. This world is so beautiful.
- Money. Without it I would not have been able to travel.
- My extended Family...they have always been so supportive of me.
- My home. It may not be the prettiest thing, but it is home.
- My van!
- Sunsets....I love the colors.
- Warm cloths...I hate being cold.
- All of the callings I have ever had. Each one has helped me to understand my weaknesses and how to make them strengths.
- My senses...I would be very sad if I could not see the beauty of this earth, or hear my children's laughter, or smell a cooking turkey!
- My pain...it lets me know that I am not invincible
- My sadness...it helps me to cherish my joys.
- Doctors who have saved my life more than once and who have healed my daughter.
- Prayer....not my own, but all of yours.
- My hands...I love to create with them.
- For our freedoms...may we always have them.
- And so many other things. This list could go on.
Lastly, I am thankful for the deep and steadfast testimony I have that we are loved by a Heavenly Father who has provided a plan of happiness for us. I am grateful for His laws and consequences without which we would not have an appreciation for His love and Mercies. I am forever grateful to our Savior, Jesus Christ for His gift of unconditional love and sacrifice. I hope to someday fully appreciate that sacrifice.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Girls Night/ Birthday Night.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Here We Go!
The trend is starting!!!!! We do not tend to look at fashion trends in a bad way. Most fashions are descent and harmless...but are they really? Fashion designers are getting more and more risque in their choice of designs. And usually the public goes with the flow. If big stars think it is fashionable then so does the rest of the world.
The same rings true for the world of politics and " political correctness". As of this morning, eHarmony, a New York based company that helps singles find suitable dates, has lost a lawsuit. This company is a privately owned and operated company and should have the constitutional right to decide whom they sell their product to. If I owned a pet grooming shop and some woman or man came in demanding a hair cut, I would have the right to say " we do not provide services to humans"
Now think about the trend that has been growing with the homosexual issues. More and more organizations are being " FORCED" to provide services or change their policies to include the homosexual minority. It will not be long now that churches of all faiths will be FORCED to accept and provide services ( including temple worship) to the people who are fighting to change policies.....not our policies, but God's policies. So are we saying that God is not politically correct? SOOOOOO SORRYYYYYYY people!
Anyhow, I am sorry for ranting about this. I just think it is ridiculous that all this is happening! And I would like to say that I am sorry if I offended anyone, but at this point I am not.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Be Informed!!!!
I will not get into the recent political drama we are all so sick of, but I would like to express my deepest desire for all of us to be more informed. I wish that we could all look a little deeper into the future when we vote on issues ( that is key...voting on issues, not people and their personalities!). Democrat or Republican, we all need to see the impact our choices create for our future.
As a result of the recent elections, we now have a government almost completely run by the Democratic party. This means that all laws and amendments will be voted on by people in congress and the house of representatives who have a more liberal view of our freedoms. Certain rights and laws will be overturned to please the " worldly"and immoral view that most of this country has. Congress has set their sights on abortion laws. They are determined to allow abortion rights regardless of age or procedure. If any of you do not know what those procedures are ( especially partial birth abortions) I would gladly fill you in. I encourage all decent people reading this to pass on this link. It is an official web site that gives facts about the laws and what they really mean. So read it, and determine for yourself which laws you agree with and which ones you do not. http://www.nchla.org/issues.asp?I
As for our futures, I am not a mind reader. I do not know for a fact that we will all be doomed because of the next presidents future decisions. But take a look at what is going on in California. Things are changing. I have always believed that, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we will come full circle. When our church was first organized, we were outcasts and persecuted for what....for being good and decent people and for having a religion that does not differ in a big way from other religions . Now we are seeing that again. Or at least the beginnings. In California, Mormons are being targeted for a law that was passed in part by many people not of our faith. But we are the ones to blame.
As we look into the future, I want to know what I am voting for and I pray that I may have the courage to stand up and vote when it is not the " Popular" vote. We will be persecuted for standing up for what is right. And I would rather do that than " go with the flow"!!! I don't want to be like the masses of lemmings who allow change to happen without knowing the consequences of those choices. Let's not be lemmings!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
And More!!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Halloween Fun!
Our good friends, the Jolley's, invited us over for soup and some Halloween fun. The kids each got to carve their own pumpkin. It was quite a mess by the end, but they had fun. Someone even figured out that if you squeeze a pumpkin seed between your fingers, it shoots really far. So there was a pumpkin seed fight in there as well. All good fun and a nice way to spend a cold yucky night. Thanks Jolley's!!!
Captain Underpants....
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Fashion For Me....Yay!
I have found myself lacking in the fashion department. I will gladly blame it on the fact that I have 3 kids and they always come first! But I have to admit that I am also a penny pincher in a way.
So when I came across a link for Handbag Planet and a free drawing, I couldn't pass it up. Lake a look and if you see what you like ( who wouldn't!), then go ahead and enterhttp://www.handbagplanet.com/ . Nothing to loose!