Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Change is sometimes scary!

Our son, Tui, is one year old and keeps me busy( as it is with everyone who has kids) This is nothing new. He is being a stinker when it comes to walking. My girls were both walking at 10 months old. Tui can walk, but he is refusing to. He will walk for about two steps ( holding onto our finger) and then swings his legs out in front of him or just squats and screams in stubborn refusal!

Well the little tyke has found something else to do to invite change into our lives. Instead of walking and causing mommies to constantly watch and wonder " what are they into now?", he has chosen to start climbing. He loves to climb into a chair, any chair, big or small, and then clap for himself. Oh but wait, it does not end there. Instead of just sitting there, all proud of himself, he turns around and stands up and DANCES on the chair. How special ( oh, right!).

Change is sometimes scary, especially when you have a son!


meghan said...

Amen. I know exactly how you feel.

Mom of 5 Gents said...

Scary? Mabye. Also, life is more adventurous and exciting. :)

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