H is for Haylie.

This is a blog of our family, Anthony, Krista, Sydney, Haylie and Tuione. Our ups and our downs and everything in between.
H is for Haylie.
Easter 2009
This year has only just begun and already I have been met with the disappointing fact that I can not accomplish everything I want to do. I really wanted to have all of my yard work done and a garden planted, but thanks to Mother Nature those things will have to wait. I also wanted to have Easter dresses made for the girls. I even have a pattern and material all picked out...but....I have dropped the ball on that one too. No time...no energy...no motivation? I don't know what gets in my way, preventing me from doing these things....I think I get in the way of me!
Any how, I figured since things were not going according to plan...then I just won't plan. So Sunday morning comes. We get up...eat breakfast and have a nice relaxing morning watching a movie with the kids. Yes we skipped church. Stake Conference on Easter Sunday, plus the fact that Tui makes it impossible to actually sit and listen, made it more appealing to stay home today! We decided to have an Easter lesson at home instead.
After lunch, the kids went to the park with Anthony while I played Easter bunny. Then I went to the park and excitedly told the kids that I just saw a huge rabbit hopping away from our house. Sydney looked at me in her suspicious little way and asked if I was telling the truth. I didn't answer her in complete truth, but I don't think she cared...she ran home to go start looking for eggs. Then it was time to put our Easter lesson to work. We dug up some of our wild tiger lilies and potted them. we took them to a couple of older ladies in the neighborhood that we have sort of adopted as grandmas. They are always so sweet to my kids, so we wanted to show them we love them.
As we were getting back home, Anthony was waiting for us with silly string. It was fun to see the girls try to get daddy. That stuff is smelly but fun! After a full day of Easter fun, I made a wonderful dinner. Ham, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn bread muffins, creamed corn, and marshmallow jello. Ahhh. I love Easter. I would have loved it more if we had the girls in pretty dresses...but oh well....there is always next year.
Peeps & Poops
I am so excited! Tui went pee today for the first time in the potty. He was a bit confused as to what was going on down there but he was proud of himself non the less! So he got his potty treats and then said he had to go potty again. I almost dismissed it as a cry for more potty treats....but I don't want to discourage him, so we went again. This time it was poops. Actually, he has been going poop in the potty for about 4 months....just not consistently. He loves to sit on the potty...so maybe I will get through this.