Sink or swim?
It seems lately, that we are all in the same boat. Sometimes I wonder if the economy is really as bad as they say it is. This week has shown great evidence that it is, although I do not understand how it got that way. All over the country, and other countries as well, people are loosing their jobs...their means of providing for their families and the security of the benefits that come from a job ( health care, 401k, etc.). I know i am guilty of blowing things out of proportion sometimes...usually thinking of the worst case scenario. What if Anthony looses his job....what if I have to go back to work...what if things are so bad that neither one of us will be able to find work. It will be like living in the past when people actually had to live off the land. I want to know how, in a country advanced as ours, did we get ourselves into this sinking boat?
Like I said before, this week has made it obvious that there are changes happening that we have no control over. Anthony was given the difficult task of laying off two of his employees. It would have been easier to do if they were not doing their jobs well, but these were good guys who worked hard. Most importantly they were his friends. Unfortunately the company that Anthony works for is feeling the crunch, like many other companies nation wide. All of this has made us look at our own future. How long will it be until the company decides to close the store completely?????
There are so many what if's and unanswered questions. The future is uncertain....there is no doubt in that. We can not see where our future lies or where our choices may lead us. BUT....we do know that if we STRIVE to live our lives in accordance with the laws and commandments of our Heavenly Father, we will be blessed! Immediately? In some instances, yes...in some, no.
Ether 12:6 "And now, I Moroni, would speak some what concerning these things; I would show unto the world that Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."
I learned a couple of things from this scripture. One...dispute not because ye see not. All I have been doing is disputing...what will we do...how are we going to pay for this or that...where will we work...we should do this or that. Why am I trying to figure this out on my own? Someone slap me!
Second....only after I have tried my faith....only after I have proven that I will do as I am asked, knowing full well that I must struggle and go through these tough times...only then will I receive a witness. A witness of His blessings. I know that the Lord will not give us trials that are too difficult for us to bear. So I need to do my part. The Lord has made his promise, so now I need to keep mine. Improve on the things that will ensure my families safety. Scriptures, family prayer, fulfilling my calling, being a good missionary, giving of all I have as did the widow in the Parable of the widow's mite. These things may be hard to do in a stressful time, but they will be for my benefit.
So I choose to swim. I will tread water, barely keeping my head above water....but I will not sink!
I am so grateful for my wonderful Visiting teachers and Home teachers and all the others in my life who are an example to me and who give me a boost when I feel like I can not tread water any longer. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who has not left us alone and who loves us.