Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Why I can not stay mad.......
I was sitting at home today, going through the pictures on my digital camera. ( which have been piling up to the point that it is going to cost me an arm and a leg to develop them)
As I was looking through them a thought came to me...........I am always saying that Heavenly Father must make kids so cute so we do not stay mad at them, but I have changed that thought.
Now I think that Heavenly Father gave us a little bit of heaven so that we could remember that even though they can drive us wild, they are divine! I am raising a child of God and that means that all the things they do are natural and are supposed to happen. All kids end up, at one point or another, eating out of the garbage can or using an entire roll of toilet paper to give their dolls a comfortable place to sleep. I think that Our loving Heavenly Father knew that we would do those things and that our children would do them as well. So why do I get mad? Is the waste of a roll of toilet paper going to break the bank?
I love to take pictures of my kids, or any body's kids, because for a brief moment I forget that whatever they have just done has made me mad. And for a brief moment I catch a glimpse of Heaven in their eyes. I love you Sydney, Haylie, and Tuione! And I thank my Heavenly Father for sending them!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Teething, Tantrums, and Timeouts
I am a bit frustrated that I have not been able to blog lately. Oh, I have had time. It is just that by the time the kids are in bed and I have MY time to sit and write, all I can think about is everything that has gone wrong that day. Then all of my creative juices stop and I can't think of a thing to say. Or I start thinking about upcoming events that threaten to drive me to the mental ward! So in an attempt to relieve some of the stress of my day, I am going to vent!
Teething........I believe that teething is not restricted to infants. Tui, my ever so happy baby boy, is getting 3 teeth in at the same time, which makes him ever so UNhappy. I can see them about ready to break through, and after a day of non stop ( I am NOT exaggerating) crying and fussiness mixed with diarrhea ( due to teething), I am very tempted to take a nail file and let him chew on it in hopes it will wear the remaining skin away.
My daughter Sydney, who is usually a huge help to me, is also teething. She has 2 more loose teeth and 4 that are in the process of growing in. You would think that a 6 year old would not be affected by this process, but she has been almost as fussy as Tui ( minus the diarrhea). At least Haylie is not ready to loose any teeth yet! ( not that it makes any difference)
Haylie, who just turned 4, is always a concern for me due to health issues. I know that at times she does not feel good and so I chalk up her grumpiness to that. Today went way beyond not feeling good! I have always been somewhat proud or pleased that my kids have never been the type of kids to have temper tantrums in the store. Well that record has now been shot to bits! Haylie cried for the entire visit to Lowes, which was cut short due to the tantrum. I can still hear the high pitched whine in my head. So it is off home to have a timeout. ( which by the way did not help one bit).
Only after their baths and a good night story did the fussiness stop. As I put Haylie into bed she put her arms around me and asked if I was still mad at her. As I looked at her with her thumb in her mouth and her other hand holding a golden curl, I could not tell her I was still mad. I kissed her good night and tucked her in and now I am here asking myself......" was my day really all that bad?"
YES it was....but now it is over and I get to start all over again tomorrow. How lucky are we to be Mothers!
Monday, October 8, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Funny words
Growing up, my parents were very strict on what words were allowed in our house, or out of our mouths for that matter. Never mind curse words, those were obvious. But words like shut-up and stupid and fart were just as bad as curse words. In fact, I remember telling my sister ti shut-up once. I remember it well, so I must have been about 9 or 10 years old. Or maybe I remember it well because of the punishment I received. Lets just say I was coughing up bubbles all day. ( mind you, back then there wasn't " antibacterial" soap. You feed a kid soap now a days and you get a visit from social services).
So lesson learned! We, the children in the family, decided we would make up words to replace the ones we were not allowed to say. For example, shut-up now became up-shut. Flurp was now the word we used for fart ( you can thank my dad for that one. I think he had more fun making up words than we did). Words that Napoleon Dynamite would use, are words that we used. Dang, flippin, holy crap ( that one even caused my mom to cringe), and others were always being used in place of others. One of my favorites was twerp. My mom absolutely hated it when we would call each other idiots, so she said that twerp was an appropriate substitute for that word.
Well 20 years later I am still using those words. You can tell by listening to my children. This evening while we were sitting in the living room, as a family, getting ready to read a book, my daughter Haylie ( 4 years old) started a conversation with my husband. I did not catch the whole conversation, but my husband was telling her something that was light hearted. I think he was teasing her. All of a sudden she says, in a total teenager way, " Daddy, you are such a TWERP"!
I do not recall her ever saying that word before, but it sounded like she had been saying it forever. I think that my parents were smart to teach us to use better language, but at the same time, it all still means the same thing.
How funny words.....and kids are!
I am clueless, as many would agree. I am slowly but surely learning the ins and outs of this blogging thing. I have finally got a minute to sit and do this and hopefully give you some more insight into the lives of Anthony and Krista.
About Us:
What is his name?: Anthony Tuione Nai
How long have you been together?:10 years as of October.
How long did you date?: Two years
How old is he?:32 years old and still a hunk!
Who said I love you first?: He says that I did, he has a better memory than I do.
Who is taller?: Anthony
Who sings better?:Anthony
Who is smarter?: Anthony has a better memory so he retains info better, but I am brilliant!
Whose temper is worse?: I think that my temper is worse, but my patience lasts longer than his.
Who does the laundry?: Funny story...Anthony and I made a deal when we were first married that he would do the laundry and I would cook. For the first 3 years of our marriage, he stuck to the agreement, but as soon as we had a washer and dryer of our own, suddenly the laundry has become evermore increasingly MY job.
Who does the dishes?: One guess....who ever cooks.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?: Me, until I have created too big of a dent and then I make him switch sides.
Who pays the bills?: Well Anthony makes the money to pay them, and then I give the money all away.
Who mows the lawn?: Usually Anthony, sometimes me and someday our kids will. Yippe!
Who cooks dinner?: whoever does the dishes and the laundry=(
Who drives when you are together? Anthony likes to, but it is my van.
Who is more stubborn?: Anthony
Who is the first to admit they are wrong?: That is not me cuz I am never wrong!
Whose parents do you see the most?:Anthony's mom about 2 times a year, my parents about once a year.
Who kissed who first?: Does on the cheek count, if so then it was me who kissed Anthony first.
Who asked out who?: Anthony asked me out to the homecoming dance. He was so nervous, it was so cute!
Who proposed?: Anthony did, but I told him too.
Who is more sensitive?: I am....I'm a flippin ball of emotions!
Who has more friends?: Me....Anthony is anti-social ( no just kiddin, he is just a grump.....no he is just picky......oh I don't know what it is.....maybe he is just shy)
Who has more sibling?: Anthony ( 6) , I have 3.
Who wears the pants?: So me! Although one day Anthony wore my jeans to work one day ( that was good news for him that he could fit in them. Really bad news for me. In my defense though, they were 2 sizes to big for me in the first place)
I tag Stacy and Niki
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Mom School Field Trip
As I had said previously in my blog called " oreos", September was a crazy month. On top of everything else I had to do in September, I also had a turn to teach Mom School for a group of 3 and 4 year olds. We had our first field trip to the Hawkeye Arburetum and botanical gardens. We enjoyed a morning full of perfect weather and beautiful flowers. We did a color hunt where the kids had to look around and find things that were colors of the rainbow. They did pretty good, but they were more interested in the giant sandbox, where they found burried dinosaur bones. Then it was time for the treat, and since it was Haylies birthday, we had chocolate cupcakes. YUMMY and MESSY! I can't wait for our next field trip.
Celebrate Good Times, Come-On.
Here are the pictures from Haylie's birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese. She is so happy that her friends could come and play with her. And she is thankful for her gifts! Oh yea, and thanks to Stacy for educating me on how to do the slideshow! It is awesome, I love it!