Who ever said that things happen in threes? And does that mean good things or bad things?
It is my experience that good things never happen in threes, and if they do, we don't notice them because we are focusing on the bad things that should stop at three, but never do.
Well September has been one of those months were "things", good or bad have not stopped at three. First we had a stressful hospital visit ( see previous blog " the weight of the world), and then come the birthdays. First Tuione turned one( see previous blog). It was wonderful and sad. I love my babies! Why do they have to grow up?
Then we had Anthony's Birthday. He turned 32 years old. Still as handsome as ever! Love you babe! He happened to be out of town at an away football game. He plays linebacker an
d left tackle for the Cedar Valley Vikings. GO VIKINGS! He also played football for BYU( back in the good ol' days). I love that he can still play football, but I notice that, the not so young Anthony, has a harder time recovering from injuries. Poor old man! Anyhow since he was out of town, I of course was alone in my parenting responsibilities. I love my husband, and I love my kids, but I can't wait until football is over and I can have some help on the weekends! We celebrated Anthony's Birthday on Sunday, just enjoying some cake and ice cream with the kids and a nice quiet evening after they were all in bed. 
Then comes Haylie's birthday. Our little baby doll turned 4 years old. It is sometimes hard to believe she is 4 now, mainly because the little stinker is always sucking her thumb. But she is not built like Sydney or Tui, who look older than they are. They are tall and have big heads ( that just means they are little geniuses). Haylie is my little fragile one. More slender and quiet, but quick as a whip. She just is always going to be my little girl.
We celebrated her birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese with some of her little friends. They had so much fun playing the games and winning tickets. Haylie even got a big hug from Chucky him self. As expected all the others rushed in to hug Chucky too and in the confusion, Haylie's cupcake got knocked out of her hand, and then the drama. Life had ended and she was going to let everyone know it! No worries though, mommy came prepared with lots more cupcakes!
Well that is 4 "things" . Three good things and one bad. That doesn't make for such a bad month. Oh but wait, September was full of much more. I am Primary President in our ward. I love my calling and I love the children I teach. I can not imagine and I never want another calling, but this month, I would have considered it. Thank goodness for my life savers Connie, who is my first counselor and Erika, who is my new second counselor. We had a primary activity on the same day as my son's birthday. Not only was that a double booking, but so was the park. I had reserved the park a month in advance and when I showed up at the park to set things up, I was greeted by about 100 people running a marathon. The beginning and end were at the park I had reserved. I kept my cool and worked it all out. I would like to say that I kicked them out in a stressed out rage, but I didn't. They were very co-operative and cleaned up and got out of our way as soon as they could. Whew! The activity turned out well, not as many children attended as I had hopped for, but it was good non the less. Erika was a tremendous help preparing and carrying out the activity, But by the end of that day I was pooped!
So the activity was done. I can breath.......oh wait.....here it comes......the Primary sacrament meeting presentation. Hummmm. Where do I start. Again thanks to my first counselor, the program got typed out and ready to assign parts. I think that every night, for the past two weeks, I have been on the phone trying to contact parents of these primary children to remind them to help the children with their parts. I didn't think that talking on the phone could be so exhausting! Plus this month in primary, it is my turn to teach sharing time. Any one who has taught sharing time knows how tiring that can be.
All of these things do not seem to be too hard to deal with, and they really are not. But combine it with the everyday things, like getting Sydney off to school, cleaning house, dealing with a crabby 4 year old and a teething baby, and anything else that happens to pop up, it can seem like the month will never end. But it is almost over, and so I am sitting here complaining to all of you while eating a whole bunch of Halloween oreos. Thank goodness for OREOS!
p.s. More pics to come. I am trying to figure out how to do a slide show. I am a bit retarded when it comes to this stuff!
It is my experience that good things never happen in threes, and if they do, we don't notice them because we are focusing on the bad things that should stop at three, but never do.
Well September has been one of those months were "things", good or bad have not stopped at three. First we had a stressful hospital visit ( see previous blog " the weight of the world), and then come the birthdays. First Tuione turned one( see previous blog). It was wonderful and sad. I love my babies! Why do they have to grow up?
Then we had Anthony's Birthday. He turned 32 years old. Still as handsome as ever! Love you babe! He happened to be out of town at an away football game. He plays linebacker an
Then comes Haylie's birthday. Our little baby doll turned 4 years old. It is sometimes hard to believe she is 4 now, mainly because the little stinker is always sucking her thumb. But she is not built like Sydney or Tui, who look older than they are. They are tall and have big heads ( that just means they are little geniuses). Haylie is my little fragile one. More slender and quiet, but quick as a whip. She just is always going to be my little girl.
We celebrated her birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese with some of her little friends. They had so much fun playing the games and winning tickets. Haylie even got a big hug from Chucky him self. As expected all the others rushed in to hug Chucky too and in the confusion, Haylie's cupcake got knocked out of her hand, and then the drama. Life had ended and she was going to let everyone know it! No worries though, mommy came prepared with lots more cupcakes!
Well that is 4 "things" . Three good things and one bad. That doesn't make for such a bad month. Oh but wait, September was full of much more. I am Primary President in our ward. I love my calling and I love the children I teach. I can not imagine and I never want another calling, but this month, I would have considered it. Thank goodness for my life savers Connie, who is my first counselor and Erika, who is my new second counselor. We had a primary activity on the same day as my son's birthday. Not only was that a double booking, but so was the park. I had reserved the park a month in advance and when I showed up at the park to set things up, I was greeted by about 100 people running a marathon. The beginning and end were at the park I had reserved. I kept my cool and worked it all out. I would like to say that I kicked them out in a stressed out rage, but I didn't. They were very co-operative and cleaned up and got out of our way as soon as they could. Whew! The activity turned out well, not as many children attended as I had hopped for, but it was good non the less. Erika was a tremendous help preparing and carrying out the activity, But by the end of that day I was pooped!
So the activity was done. I can breath.......oh wait.....here it comes......the Primary sacrament meeting presentation. Hummmm. Where do I start. Again thanks to my first counselor, the program got typed out and ready to assign parts. I think that every night, for the past two weeks, I have been on the phone trying to contact parents of these primary children to remind them to help the children with their parts. I didn't think that talking on the phone could be so exhausting! Plus this month in primary, it is my turn to teach sharing time. Any one who has taught sharing time knows how tiring that can be.
All of these things do not seem to be too hard to deal with, and they really are not. But combine it with the everyday things, like getting Sydney off to school, cleaning house, dealing with a crabby 4 year old and a teething baby, and anything else that happens to pop up, it can seem like the month will never end. But it is almost over, and so I am sitting here complaining to all of you while eating a whole bunch of Halloween oreos. Thank goodness for OREOS!
p.s. More pics to come. I am trying to figure out how to do a slide show. I am a bit retarded when it comes to this stuff!